21.3 C
February 5, 2025
Sub-Sahara Mining & Industrial Journal
Industrial News

Camwater: Poor Water Pipe Installations in Akomnyada Disrupts Water Supply in Yaounde.

In a letter dated 28 March, signed by the Director General of Cameroon Water Utilities Camwater, which SBBC consulted, Gervais Bolenga addressed the Minister of Water and Energy to inform him of the worrying situation of the Akomnyada water treatment plant.
He states in the letter ; this station, “essential source of drinking water supply for the city of Yaounde, notwithstanding its rehabilitation in 2017, presents serious failures,” warns CEO Bolenga. 

In this document, the General Manager of Camwater explains that the Akomnyada water treatment plant was built in 1985 with a nominal production capacity of 100,000 m3 per day. It is this production that is maintained till this day.

However, in 2016, a flotation unit was built with a capacity of 35,000 m3 per day. But this is only half operational. As for the “membrane ultrafiltration” built in 2017 with a capacity of 55,000 m3 per day, it stopped only a few weeks after it was put into operation. 

As a result, “out of an installed capacity of 190,000 m3, the current supply shows a deficit of about 60,000 m3 of water per day,” alarms CEO of  Bolenga.

The diagnosis made by the GM of Camwater establishes that these failures are due to “design and implementation errors” and certain actions have been taken to “guarantee an acceptable level of functionality”.

In another document, Camwater notes that the overall malfunctions observed cause the stoppage of production of certain equipment or high consumption of electrical energy.

The inhabitants of the capital have been complaining for several months of numerous water cuts. Some neighbourhoods are deprived of water while others suffer from water rationing. According to the GM of Camwater, the water needs of  Yaounde are estimated at 300,000 m3 per day.

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