New Finnish copper technology for Democratic Republic of Congo

New copper solvent extraction technology is to be delivered to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by Finnish mining technology company Outotec.

La Sino-Congolaise des Mines SA (Sicomines) has awarded the contract for the delivery of the copper solvent extraction plant to Sicomines’ copper/cobalt project near Kolwezi, in the DRC. Sicomines is a joint venture formed by companies from China and the DRC.

The €20-million order has been scheduled in Outotec’s 2020 second quarter order book.

The scope includes basic engineering, technology and equipment deliveries and advisory services for mechanical installation as well as commissioning and startup of the modular copper solvent extraction plant, known as VSF®X, the VSF standing for vertical smooth flow.

The modularised plant is said to provide a novel way of designing, manufacturing, transporting, installing, operating and maintaining a solvent extraction plant with an emphasis on sustainability and safety.

A fast-track delivery and installation, as well as environment-friendly and safe performance of the plant, are projected by Outotec. The plants are designed to reduce lead times by 20% as tailor-made total packages.

“We look forward to working with Sicomines on this project. We’ll be happy to deliver the technology package, including our modern VSF®X modular concept and benefits that come with it.

“The Sicomines project will be a great reference for us in the active African copper/cobalt market,” Outotec metals refining head Kalle Härkki stated.

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