Metso Outotec to deliver a high-capacity grinding mill with a relining machine to Namdini gold mine in Ghana

Cardinal Namdini Mining Limited, a subsidiary of Shandong Gold, has awarded Metso Outotec an order for a SAG mill and a mill relining machine as well as a sizeable wear and spare parts package to be delivered to their gold project in the northern part of Ghana. The order value, which is not disclosed, is booked in Minerals’ first-quarter 2023 orders received.

“The PremierTM SAG (semi autogenous) mill to be delivered to the Namdini gold project is part of our Planet Positive offering. This high-capacity SAG mill featuring 18 MW of installed power will be the largest gear driven mill in Africa. Safe and efficient replacement of wearable grinding mill lining systems will be ensured with a 4 tonne 7-Axis mill relining machine featuring auto-grapple and the award-winning charge access platform,” says Christoph Hoetzel, SVP, Grinding business line at Metso Outotec.

Metso Outotec offers the industry’s widest range of horizontal grinding mills, including Premier™ and Select™ mills. They can be easily integrated with Metso Outotec mill relining equipment and are supported by the company’s extensive services network to ensure optimization during the mills’ lifetime. Metso Outotec also offers the market’s most comprehensive mill linings range and relining services, with materials and designs optimized for each specific application.

Discover more about Metso Outotec’s grinding technology and Planet Positive approach.

Further information:

Christoph Hoetzel, Senior Vice President, Grinding Business Line, tel. +61 477 330 679, email: christoph.hoetzel(at)

Helena Marjaranta, Vice President, Communications and Brand, Metso Outotec, tel. +358 20 484 3212, email: helena.marjaranta(at)

Metso Outotec is a frontrunner in providing sustainable technologies, end-to-end solutions and services for the aggregates, minerals processing and metals refining industries globally. By helping our customers increase their productivity, improve their energy and water efficiency and environmental performance with our process and product expertise, we are the partner for positive change.

Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, Metso Outotec employs over 16,000 people in close to 50 countries and sales for 2022 were about EUR 5.3 billion. The company is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki.

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