TOMRA Sorting Mining opens access to comprehensive technical information in new diamond microsite

TOMRA’s approach in developing its new diamond microsite reflects the Company’s holistic approach to supporting its customers: by opening easy access to comprehensive technical information, it enables diamond producers to understand the possibilities offered by its recovery solutions, how they would fit within their operations, and how they would be adding value.

“We want to allow our potential clients and end-users better access to all of our technical information so that they can understand our solutions and best implement them,” states Ryan Szabo, Sales and Project Manager Diamonds at TOMRA Mining.

Easy-to-navigate comprehensive information

Navigation of the diamond microsite is intuitive and the detailed information is presented in a clear and easy-to-understand format. “We developed it based on the questions our customers ask during our meetings” explains Ryan Szabo.

The microsite’s Homepage opens with a clear statement of TOMRA’s promise to diamond producers: 100% detection in the specified range, irrespective of luminescence profile or coating, and a guaranteed diamond recovery greater than 99%. Scrolling down, viewers can see at a glance the stages of the process where TOMRA sorters can add value: Concentration with its XRT sorters and Pre-concentration with its Color and Near Infrared (NIR) solutions – and they will discover that a solution for Final Recovery will soon be available. This will be an industry first: XRT recovery technology down to the size of a 2mm rough diamond, which will deliver concentration factors up to 1 Million with a much-reduced number of concentration stages.

Process flowsheets highlight how TOMRA sorters can add value

In the Applications section of the microsite, a flowsheet shows where the different TOMRA machines fit in the recovery process and how they add value. Further detail is provided in animations of process flow diagrams in Kimberlite, Alluvial batch fed and Alluvial continuous feed applications. “With these flowsheets we want to help our customers to navigate and understand where the equipment goes, adds Ryan Szabo. “We show the locations where the sorters fit within different types of operations. This will give the customers an understanding of how the process can be simplified and the number of stages that can be replaced by the TOMRA sorters.”

Open access to detailed product information

The product page provides detailed technical information – product sheets, General Arrangement drawings and 3D CAD drawings. Customers can even download a 3D model and place it in their plant’s 3D drawings to see exactly how it would fit, what it would change in their set-up and how.


Details on TOMRA’s service and connectivity offering to ensure maximum uptime

Details of TOMRA’s Service Level Agreements are also on the microsite. Unique on the market, these plans offer tailored solutions to match client requirements and protect their investment. The Service section includes information about TOMRA Insight, the cloud-based solution that turns the customer’s sorters into connected devices and provides secure, real-time monitoring.

TOMRA’s promise backed up by customers

Customers considering the integration of TOMRA’s solutions in their operation can also find information about existing installations. They can hear from diamond producers about their experience with TOMRA and learn about the potential benefits in an interview with Geoffrey Madderson, Diamond Segment Manager for TOMRA Sorting Mining. They can also view photographs of remarkable diamond recoveries and existing installations such as the one at Karowe mine in Botswana, where record-breaking diamonds have been recovered with TOMRA’s XRT technology.

Visit the new dedicated website:


About TOMRA Sorting Mining

TOMRA Sorting Mining designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting technologies for the global mineral processing and mining industries.

As the world market leader in sensor-based ore sorting, TOMRA is responsible for developing and engineering cutting-edge technology made to withstand harsh mining environments. TOMRA maintains its rigorous focus on quality and future-oriented thinking with technology tailor-made for mining.


TOMRA was founded on an innovation in 1972 that began with the design, manufacture and sale of reverse vending machines (RVMs) for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions that enable the circular economy with advanced collection and sorting systems that optimize resource recovery and minimize waste in the food, recycling and mining industries.

TOMRA has more than ~100,000 installations in over 80 markets worldwide and had total revenues of ~ 9.3 billion NOK in 2019. The Group employs ~4,500 globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please see

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Media Contacts:

Nuria Martí                                                                 Nina Gustmann

Director                                                                       Global Marketing Manager Mining

Alarcon & Harris PR                                                    TOMRA Sorting Mining

Phone: +34 91 415 30 20                                            Phone: +49 4103 1888 126

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