Tramp Metal Detector that DOESN’T FALSE TRIP?

A reliable Tramp Metal Detection system is vital in assisting mining companies to eliminate damages caused to machinery by pieces of unwanted tramp metals. Such system would save mines costly downtime and repairs to the damaged processing equipment such as crushers, conveyors and mills.

Unfortunately, many available tramp metal detectors false trip on ores such as copper, iron ore, manganese, vanadium and even coal with pyrite, etc. It happens because these metal detectors cannot differentiate between solid pieces of tramp metal and the metal content in the ores.

PJ Tech has the solution in form of their SMART-100 Tramp Metal Detector. This technologically advanced system detects magnetic and non-magnetic pieces of tramp metal while ignoring conductive and even some magnetic properties of various ores. This detector is gaining its reputation withing international mining industry due to its unique performance as well as robust construction.

This detector has latest technology set of basic features and is designed to operate in a very wide and difficult range of applications. It proved to perform extremally well where other detectors were false tripping due to metallic properties of the ores.  Unlike many other detectors, it is even compatible with steel corded conveyor belts as well as the belts where steel clips are used for splicing.

SMART 100 tramp metal detector systems are custom made to suit each user’s particular application. Each detector system is subjected to extensive testing both at the sub-assembly level and after final assembly to ensure best performance and compliance of electrical safety standards.

The transmitter and receiver antennas are manufactured to withstand even the harshest environments. They are encased in impact resistant, weatherproof fibreglass.  The upper antenna swings away to protect from large overburdens.

Marking device marks the exact location of metal which trips the detector by means of bright colorant spray. This feature helps to find and remove buried metals that in turn saves search time thus improving production.

Overall, it is the most advanced and robust tramp metal detection system available worldwide that can be used in a very wide and difficult range of applications. More and more clients replace their current tramp metal detectors with SMART-100 due to its performance and no false alarms.

Usually, it takes a few weeks for a manufacturer of tramp metal detectors to complete a purchase order. PJ Tech’s average production lead-time is less than a week per detector. It is possible due to sufficient stock keeping.


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