Honeywell (Charlotte, N.C.) announced that the Société Ivoirienne de Raffinage (SIR), the state-owned refining company of Cote d’Ivoire, will use Honeywell UOP Distillate Unionfining technology to produce diesel that complies with both AFRI 6 and Euro-V emission standards. The investment is part of Cote d’Ivoire clean air program and SIR’s refinery modernization.

The UOP Unionfining process removes impurities to improve the quality of middle distillate feedstocks such as kerosene, jet fuel, and diesel oils that meet increasingly stringent regulations for fuels such as diesel.

“The addition of the UOP Distillate Unionfining process will allow SIR to meet changing diesel specifications in Africa, with a cost-effective solution that reduces the sulfur content while maximizing distillate yields,” said Laura Leonard, vice president and general manager, Honeywell UOP Process Technologies. “Our design for this unit and track record of success with this technology enables SIR to raise its crude processing capacity, as part of the modernization one of the West Africa’s largest oil refineries.”

The Societe Ivoirienne de Raffinage (SIR) was created in 1962 by the Ivorian government with the support of international oil groups. It refines crude oil and distributes petroleum products in Cote d’Ivoire and the rest of the world. SIR refines 3.8 million tons of crude oil on an annual basis.

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