Castillo Copper releases positive metallurgical results from the Big One copper project

Castillo Copper Ltd (LSE:CCZ, ASX:CCZ) has released results of metallurgical testwork on the Big One copper project in Australia.

Samples extracted from drill-hole BO_318RC produced a concentrate with confirmed upgrades ranging from five-times to ten-times for copper metal.

Further testwork is underway on samples from the Big One Deposit to determine the final optimal results.

The Big One deposit has already been significantly de-risked, as the current inferred resource estimate stands at 21,886 tonnes of contained copper metal, from 2.1mln tonnes of ore grading 1.1%.

Current forward plans include undertaking a third drilling campaign to extend the known mineralisation by focusing on a sizeable known bedrock conductor north of the line of lode.

Geophysical surveys will also be undertaken to identify fresh targets.

Meanwhile, metallurgical testwork for cobalt on drill-core samples taken from The Sisters prospect in Broken Hill is underway, and results are due shortly.

“The board is delighted with the preliminary metallurgical test-work results, especially with the beneficiation potentially transforming the ore from the Big One Deposit into a viable copper concentrate,” said Dr Dennis Jensen, managing director of Castillo Copper.

“Moreover, receiving these initial results now is timely as the board is now ramping up efforts to secure a processing agreement and clear path to market.”

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