Find the right undercarriage parts for your mining machine on!

RTD Mining specialises in undercarriages and wearparts for machines for the mining industry. If the undercarriage of your excavator or bulldozer has worn out and you are looking for replacement parts, you have come to the right place at RTD Mining! We will make sure that you can get back to work quickly. You can easily request a quote on our website.

RTD Mining is part of Verhoeven International, a family-run firm with over 60 years’ experience in the field of undercarriage parts. Verhoeven has grown into a major player in the undercarriage and undercarriage parts market. We’re proud of how far we have come and we’re pleased to use our acquired knowledge to help you handle your undercarriage in the best possible way and be successful!

The best brands for your undercarriage

We deliver undercarriage parts by the best brands VemaTrack and Berco. With these brands, you will always benefit from the best quality products. The products have been tested under the most demanding conditions for optimum performance on any terrain. Choosing VemaTrack means choosing high-quality undercarriage parts that are rugged and wear-resistant. Furthermore, VemaTrack also offers excellent value for money and you can benefit from an unbelievably broad range of parts! Berco is an Italian brand that for many years has been known as the number-one brand for undercarriage parts. Berco simply makes the very best quality products.

At RTD Mining, you can find a complete selection of undercarriage parts for various mining machines. We deliver sprockets, tracks, bottom and top rollers, track shoes, idlers and GET parts. Are you looking for one or more of these undercarriage parts? Request a quote via our contact form on our website: We will contact you at our earliest convenience to discuss your request and to help you back on track as soon as possible.

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