Legend Mining notches up another 13.5 metres of massive nickel-copper sulphides at Mawson

Legend Mining Limited (ASX:LEG) has intersected a further 13.5 metres of massive nickel-copper sulphides in another diamond drill hole at Mawson prospect of the Rockford Project in WA’s Fraser Range.

Hole RKDD013,  which is nearing completion at 290 metres, returned 12 metres from 239.2 metres downhole and another 1.5 metres from 257.5 metres.

This hole has extended the Mawson strike another 20 metres to the south with downhole EM, structural logging and assays to follow.

Legend managing director Mark Wilson said: “Extending this massive nickel-copper mineralisation 20 metres south with another wide intercept is an exciting development in the Mawson story.

“It vindicates Legend’s strategy of step-out drilling of geological and geophysical targets

generated from previous drill holes.”

Another hole, RKDD012 has been completed and this has intersected a broad interval of disseminated sulphides, similar to that seen in the upper part of hole 7.

Strike length extended

Hole 13 was designed to test a strong 50,000-60,000S DHTEM conductor identified in hole 10 and also test for extensions to the sulphide mineralisation intersected in diamond drill hole 8.

This hole has extended the strike length of massive nickel-copper sulphide 20 metres to the south with the impressive intersections returned in holes 8 and 11 along with the discovery intercept in hole 7.

The sulphide mineralisation in RKDD013 is hosted in a mafic intrusion and is open to the south, northeast and east.

NQ2 core showing massive sulphide in hole RKDD013 from 239.2 metres.

DHTEM surveying planned

DHTEM surveying with multiple loop configurations is planned for this hole to test for southerly extensions to the mineralisation and to assist future drill hole design.

Structural logging is planned for a future date, depending on the consultant’s availability.

Hole 13 will be sampled immediately and submitted for assay with results expected in 2-3 weeks.

In hole 12 there was 42.7 metres of disseminated sulphide identified but the higher-grade interval found in hole 7 was not intersected at depth.

Structural logging of the hole indicates that stratigraphy has changed strike sharply toward the northeast and further assessment of the geology and geophysics in this area is required to fully evaluate the potential.

Next steps

Legend will integrate the geological and geophysical data from holes 12 and 13 into the Mawson 3D geological model.

Diamond drilling is continuing with the collaring of RKDD014 testing geological and DHTEM geophysical targets while infill aircore drilling is also ongoing across the Mawson area.

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