The physical volume index (2013 = 100) of the country’s mining and mining production (referring to the extraction, utilization, smelting and refining activities of metallic and non-metallic minerals) decreased by 2.7% in August 2021 compared to the immediate prior month, with a based on seasonally adjusted figures.
In its annual comparison, the index noted a decrease of 5.6% compared to the same month last year.
original characters
Mining and mining production decreased by 5.1% during the eighth month of the current year compared to the same month of 2020; Within it, the production of coke, lead, sulfur, silver, iron pellets, zinc, copper and gold decreased. In contrast, non-coking coal, gypsum and fluorite increased.
Mining production by state (indicated only in the extraction and enrichment of metallic and non-metallic minerals) showed the following results during August 2021, for major minerals and minerals (see table).
Note to the user
Note that the seasonally adjusted and cyclical trend numbers may be subject to revisions due to the impact of the COVID-19 health emergency. The strategy followed by INEGI is to review each time series and analyze the need to include some special treatment (outliers) in the seasonal adjustment models for the contingency months. This is so that large changes in the original data do not disproportionately affect the seasonal factors used.