ETW delivers natural gas CHP units with SCR system

ETW Energietechnik has delivered the first combined heat and power plants with ‘SCR’ exhaust gas cleaning system, equipping Duisburg municipal utility CHP plant with urea injection system. The German CHP specialist ETW Energietechnik has delivered natural gas CHP units with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology for the first time, making Stadtwerke Duisburg the first user of Adblue technology from ETW. The business comprises three plants with TCG 2020V12 MWM engines, each with an electrical output of 999 kw.

Reduced nitrogen emissions

Two of the three ETW plants, with significantly reduced nitrogen emissions, have been in operation since the end of 2017 and the third plant commissioned at the beginning of 2019. All three plants should achieve an overall efficiency of 94% each with an intelligent heat utilisation concept based on a second installed exhaust gas heat exchanger stage (AWT) and a heat recovery from the mixed cooling circuit.

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