Sub-Sahara Mining & Industrial Journal
Mining News

Two SAMSON STORMAJOR units to handle manganese ore loading to barges in Owendo, Gabon

Two SAMSON STORMAJOR® units are to be installed at the Gabon Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) Mineral Port in Owendo for handling of manganese ore. Gabon is one of the world’s largest manganese producers via the Moanda mining operations of Compagnie Minière de l’Ogooué (COMILOG) which is owned by France’s Eramet. SAMSON is a materials handling specialist based in Ely, UK, and is part of AUMUND Group, headquartered in Rheinberg, Germany.

The SAMSON Materials Handling mobile STORMAJOR the company says “opens up new possibilities for stockpiling, barge loading and rail car loading. As well as featuring a radial outloading boom on a single chassis, it has the unique benefit of total mobility, providing universal applications and ultra-high performance. It has the flexibility to receive a wide range of materials directly from tipping trucks, shovels or even articulated dump trucks. The STORMAJOR offers the performance of a fixed installation without the need for permanent infrastructure.”

The STORMAJOR units are designed to handle manganese ore and will discharge direct to barges within the specified dimensions. The equipment installation under normal operating conditions will achieve a peak of discharge rate of 1,430 t/h (based on material density range of 2.6 t/m3). Moanda manganese ore is railed 700 km to Owendo.

The mobile STORMAJOR design concept comprises of a SAMSON Material Feeder reception unit and a radial outloading boom both of which are mounted to a common under gear. The radial outloading boom will include hydraulically powered luffing and radial slewing system to enable the operator to direct the material discharge point. Commissioning and operator training will be provided by AUMUND Group Field Services.

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